Author: Rabbi Michael Sternfield
“There, but for the Grace of God…” Really?
This sermon was delivered on Rosh Hashana, at Temple Beth El in Bradenton, Florida What an incredible season this is. It never seems to end, with disaster after disaster. What is going on? Hurricane Ian. Parts of Southwest Florida lie devastated. Many have lost their homes.Some lost their lives. Life may never be the same.…
We should all ‘Delete’ more and ‘Send’ less
One of the most essential features on our computers and phones is the Delete button. It used to be that when we received a letter or request, it would arrive by mail. Then, if we wished to respond, we might take a little time before doing so. Now, with email travelling through cyberspace in a…
Finally, Reform Jews can pray at the Western Wall. But why should we want to?
The Western Wall is not as sacred as many pretend. It is not the remnant of Solomon’s Temple. Rather it is the last standing remnant of the Second Temple.
Affluenza: Ethan Couch and the curse of the rich kid
Until a few years ago, nobody had ever heard the word Affluenza. Then, in a case that outraged the nation, State Judge Jean Boyd sentenced a North Texas teenager, Ethan Couch, to 10-years of probation for drunk driving, killing four pedestrians and injuring 11 after his attorneys successfully argued that the teen suffered from affluenza…