Author: Rabbi Michael Sternfield
Star Wars saga full of Jewish references and themes. Did you know Yoda was Jewish?
Like so many of you, I am anxiously awaiting the release of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. A long time ago in a galaxy far away…1977 actually…we were introduced to this most amazing epic, and appreciation has only grown over the ensuing years. The characters have become embedded in American culture. For most…
Iran Nuclear Deal: Netanyahu’s opposition won’t matter
Barring a significant defection of Senate Democrats, the Iran deal will not be overturned, even if it takes a Presidential veto to preserve it. Still, before the ink had dried, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled it an historic mistake that makes the entire world less safe. There is no doubt that he would have…
Pope Francis vs. the New ‘Golden Calf’
Calling present day capitalism and corporate greed “the dung of the devil,” Pope Francis called the world’s leaders “cowards” for not enacting meaningful legislation to alleviate the plight of the poor and also to save the planet.
Its time for Netanyahu to stand up for Reform Jews
Perhaps you have read the outrageous remarks of Israel’s minister of religious affairs David Azoulay who announced that Reform Jews are not Jewish.
Disney Pixar’s ‘Inside Out’ from a Jewish perspective
Long ago, the ancient rabbis conceived of the human mind as composed primarily of two contrasting feelings or inclinations. They are the “yetzer ha-tov” and the “yetzer ha-ra,” the inclination for the good, and the inclination for the evil.