The Pierogi is a delightful pasta shell full of quality potatoes with cheese or onions or combinations. Pierogies (sometimes spelled “perogies”) also are sometimes filled with mushrooms, sauerkraut, and vegetables. The heritage of the pierogie is authentically Polish, but the concept of a dough wrapper to a meat or cheese filling is virtually universal. Its Jewish cousin is the kreplach.
Both pierogies and kreplach may be boiled, fried, sautéed or even put in soups.
Pierogi Recipe Ingredients:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1-cup sour cream
¼ teaspoon salt
4 potatoes (up to 5) cut into chunks
¼ cup unsalted butter (1/2 stick)
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese – to taste
Salt – to taste
Pepper – to taste
1 medium onion – sliced thin
Using a food processor or by hand, mix sour cream, flour and salt together.
Knead dough until smooth and not sticky. Let rest.
For the filling: Boil potatoes until soft and drain.
Mash until smooth.
Fry onion in margarine until softened.
Add warm mashed potatoes to onion/margarine mixture.
Season with salt and pepper and add shredded cheddar cheese or if you prefer, add sliced processed cheese.
To shape: Roll dough about ¼ inch thick on very lightly floured board.
Cut 2-inch circles from the dough.
Add a large tablespoon of potato/cheese/onion mixture onto one half of the circle.
Fold over and crimp edges well.
To cook:
Boil pierogies in about 2 quarts of salted water.
Toss in about 12 pierogies and let cook until they rise to the top of the water–only a few minutes.
Drain and continue cooking the rest of the perogies.
An excellent way to prepare the perogies after the boiling is to fry them until golden brown with onions.
Serve with sour cream.
Yield: 30 perogies