Creole Farfel Kugel Recipe

This is a great example of Jewish fusion from a chef who has taken a traditional but basically boring recipe and adds his own favorite spices. The result is a much more exciting version of an old Jewish recipe. Congratulations to Emeril Lagasse for adding new spirit to a tired standard. I have made a few changes of my own.

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South African Malay Curry Recipe

This recipe is a typical South African Malay Curry. The first Malay people in South Africa were brought as slaves from what is today Indonesia. As a result of the influence of the Malay and West Asians from the Indian sub-continent who came later, many curry dishes are popular in South Africa.

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Spicy Orange Beef Recipe

Long ago, I concluded that the best recipes are almost always simple recipes. If it takes more than a single page to provide cooking instructions, then I usually take a pass. When it comes to Chinese recipes, simplicity is essential. I like to stick to recipes of no more than 3 primary ingredients. In this case, they are the beef, the green onions, and the orange peel. In that way, the ingredients remain distinctive. Except for the time required for marinating the beef, the actual cooking time is very, very brief.

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