Machaca Burrito Recipe

Machaca is a flavorful combination of shredded beef, eggs, onions, tomatoes and peppers. In Mexico, machaca is made from sun-dried meat. The cattlemen of the north made meat easy to carry on the trail by drying it. Tastier than beef jerky, the meat was first marinated, then cooked, shredded and dried. It can be served in tacos, burritos and in scrambled eggs.

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Moroccan Chicken Recipe

This recipe is very typical of Moroccan Jewish cooking. The flavor of fresh lemons, combined with olive oil and black olives makes for a bright and memorable dish. You will want to prepare this again and again. If you would like to make a more authentic version of this dish, substitute preserved lemons.

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Spring Chickens Recipe

In Durban, South Africa, many fast food restaurants serve whole chickens which have been split and flattened, then cooked over an open flame. The method of flattening the chicken is call spatchcock. This method of preparation makes the chicken look like it was run over by a truck However, all joking aside ,this method works well both for marinating and then for cooking the chicken in a shorter time than normal barbecuing.

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Traditional Jewish Kugel Recipe

You just cannot improve upon this kugel (noodle casserole). What’s not to enjoy? This recipe has been making the rounds of Jewish cooks for many years. It is truly fool-proof and guaranteed to please. For those who observe the dietary laws of kashrut, this can be made with pareve margarine instead of butter for a meat meal and can be used either as a side noodle dish or a dessert.

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