Italian Chicken Recipe

The Jewish community of Italy, tragically, was decimated by the Holocaust. Still, its remaining community has preserved its unique culture and traditions, including a distinctive cuisine that fuses Sephardic, Middle Eastern and Spanish cooking with Italian ingredients and methods. The cuisine of the Italian Jews is a fabulous example of Jewish Fusion at its very best.

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Festival Egg Salad Recipe

Some recipes, although not actually Jewish, just seem that way, probably because they are the favorite of so many traditional cooks. This recipe is an especially good example. It is often served at a brunch or the “break-the-fast” at the end of the Jewish Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) It is pretty enough to serve on a festive occasion.

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Brie Stuffed French Toast Recipe

You will not believe how sinfully delicious and rich this dish is. It is definitely not for dieters. However, it is a truly fantastic brunch dish which will have your guests swooning! It is the perfect use for day-old challah.

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Rabbi Sternfield’s Famous Chopped Liver Recipe

I have been perfecting my chopped liver recipe for the past 20 years, and this recipe is the culmination of countless experiments. I never use anything except fresh chicken livers. Other livers tend to impart bitterness. There is actually more onion and egg than liver in this recipe which gives it a somewhat lighter color and definitely a lighter texture. This recipe should be well chilled but eaten within one day of its preparation. It does not last long in the refrigerator.

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Won Ton Kreplach Recipe

This is an easier and much lighter version of a traditional Jewish recipe. The use of wonton wrappers (squares) gives these kreplach a much airier texture. Rather than tasting mostly dough, which more often than not is pretty heavy, the taste and texture is primarily that of the filling.

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