Potato Latkes Recipe – Louisiana Style

Here we have the traditional Chanukah snack, potato pancakes, made with lots of extra zip. Let’s face it—potato pancakes usually derive their flavor from being fried in oil. These latkes have plenty of added flavor; they are fused with Cajun seasonings. This is an inspired combination thanks to Chef Paul Prudhomme. For those who may not wish to combine all the spices, Chef Prudhomme’s Cajun spices are available in most supermarkets, under the “K Paul” brand name.

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Durban Lamb Curry Recipe

Unlike in the U.S., in South Africa lamb and mutton are the most popular and widely cooked meats. I think this is the most popular curry dish in South Africa. It is important to use fresh curry powder.

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Buttermilk Fried Chicken Recipe

As a Mid-West boy at heart, fried chicken was always one of my favorites. On many Sundays, our family would take a drive out to a country restaurant that was actually a farm, where we as kids would pet the animal while we waited for our table to be ready. The meal was always served family style, with such standards as cole slaw, corn fritters and, of course, apple pie for dessert. Ever since, I have been attempting to perfect a fried chicken recipe that would come close to the chicken dinners I remember from Peoria. There is nothing particularly ethnic about this recipe. It simply is the result of about 40 years of chicken experimentation.

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Peri Peri Fish Tacos Recipe

While living in South Africa, I became familiar with Peri Peri seasoning, a spice introduced by the Portuguese sailors and settlers. Peri Peri is a truly distinctive garlic hot sauce. In South Africa, it is especially popular as a marinade for chicken, but it is also excellent on fish. As a transplanted southern Californian, where Baja California fish tacos are popular, as a frequent visitor to Hawaii, where Mahi Mahi is in abundance, and as a former resident of South Africa, this dish combines the best of three of my worlds.

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Puerto Rican Chicken Soup Recipe

This soup recipe is only a distant cousin of what is often called “Jewish penicillin.” It may not be traditional, but you will discover that it has great flavor. Mazah balls or egg noodles could be substituted for the cubed potatoes to give this recipe more of a Jewish touch.

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