Iran Nuclear Deal: Netanyahu’s opposition won’t matter

Barring a significant defection of Senate Democrats, the Iran deal will not be overturned, even if it takes a Presidential veto to preserve it. Still, before the ink had dried, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled it an historic mistake that makes the entire world less safe. There is no doubt that he would have […]

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Pope Francis

Pope Francis vs. the New ‘Golden Calf’

Calling present day capitalism and corporate greed “the dung of the devil,” Pope Francis called the world’s leaders “cowards” for not enacting meaningful legislation to alleviate the plight of the poor and also to save the planet.

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Dia de los Muertos: Its definitely not Halloween

If you want to know how a particular religion or culture understands the meaning of life, the best thing you can do is pay attention to how that group deals with death. In many American cities, we are blessed with an amazing confluence of ethnic and national groups. We reside in a virtual living laboratory […]

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