Who and What is a Jew?

This  sermon was delivered on Yom Kippur 2007 at Chicago Sinai Congregation. I am not sure whether my remarks today should be described as a sermon. The High Holy Days especially are a time for considering the meaning of Jewish identity. My objective, this morning, is to provoke discussion. I fully expect that there will […]

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Welcoming ‘Jewish Green Card Holders’

This essay was delivered as a Rosh Hashanah sermon in 2002 at Chicago Sinai Congregation in Illinois. Let me begin in a somewhat off-beat way. Children’s literature, particularly fables, often express great insight about human nature. Of all the fables that I read as a child, the one that continues to resonate with me the most is […]

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Matzah Chilaquiles Recipe

Here is a delicious twist on traditional matzah brei (matzoh brei) and traditional Spanish chilaquiles. It may even be an improvement over corn tortillas.

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